Boogie2899 Lost Tape (yes I made it)

i was browsing on le youtube when i found an ad for a boogie2899 Tape, i clicked it and a skeleton popped out, i thought it was a glitch and continued, then a mailman showed up and i got the package, he said "ENNJJJOOYY IITT WWEELLL cfvedeychuefv"  i thought it was a glitch in the matrix and continued, the i got the tape and i put it in my VHS,

The Tape

so as soon as i started the tape it showed Francis saying "ERROR 37"x37 then he said "wheres my mountain SPRITE?" then he bursts into flames and goes super sayain on his mom  then it turns to him playing flappy bird, he says ''ERROR 37  ''and flappy bird gets killed by mario, then he gets a furby and it says ''nami toto ''then he says ''yea Nami toto that means your stupid you peice of TURD ''then he throws it on the ground and it bursts into flames and explodes, then it cuts to his first video were he throws the xbox out the door and busts it, but instead of the xbox he throws his mom  out the door and she explodes then flips the neibors off while the cops get him, he bites the cops arm off and eats it, then animal control comes in to take francis away, but Bill O' Riley shoots him, francis eats a stick of butter and dies


Then [ This] happend and it exploded, i threw it away and i became Bill o' Riley